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NAMGBR has various awards that are made, typically each year. Each award is listed below and you can expand the item to see the list of winners over the years. These are awarded, with the exception of the John Thornley award, at our Annual General Meeting (AGM) which takes place in October each year. The John Thornley award is always made at the Annual Convention, in addition with the Don Hayter, Most Original MG, Brian Woodhams, Pride of Ownership and Spirit of Abingdon car show convention awards.

NAMGBR Awards – Additional Information

Below is a more detailed description of the various NAMGBR Awards.

John Thornley Spirit of MG Award

John Thornley “Spirit of MG” Award is given at the Annual Convention yearly to the person displaying the spirit and enthusiasm of MG.

This award is a framed original oil painting by Dennis Wharf of the first works MGB GT to compete in an international event, LBL 591E was placed in the prototype class of competition at Sebring.

The painting was a gift to NAMGBR from the MG Car Club, MGB Register in England, presented by John Watson, of Abingdon, England to the North American MGB Register at MG96 in Indianapolis, IN, it was decided to be given on loan to the current recipient with the understanding that it is their responsibility to have the print at the next year’s annual convention to be presented to the next recipient.

At that time a plaque with a reproduction of the painting is created and given to the last year’s recipient of this honor, with their name and dates on it. This plaque is theirs to keep.

The award recipient is chosen by the NAMGBR executive from the input from coordinators, registrars, and members.

John Twist & Caroline Robinson – Enthusiast of the Year

Enthusiast of the Year Award is given at the Annual General Meeting in October to a person showing the MG spirit.

This award is a plaque, and says the following: “Enthusiast of the Year presented to (name of recipient), month, day and year, and place given)”. The award recipient is chosen by the NAMGBR executive from the input from coordinators, registrars, and members.

The Ken Smith Newsletter of the Year

Newsletter of the Year Award is given at the Annual General Meeting in October to the club who’s newsletter promotes MG enthusiasm throughout the year. It is also judged on content.

This award is a plaque and says the following: “Newsletter of the Year presented to (name of recipient), month, day and year, and place given)”.

The award recipient is chosen by the Editor and NAMGBR executive with the input from coordinators, registrars, and members.

The MG Driver – Best Contributing Author

Given at the Annual General Meeting in October to the member who has provided the most valuable contribution(s) to the content of the MG Driver magazine.

Chapter/Club of the Year

Chapter of the Year Award – Given at the Annual General Meeting in October to an affiliated club based on number of Register members and club activity.

This award is a plaque, and says the following: “Chapter of the Year presented to (name of Club), month, day and year, and place given)”. The award recipient is chosen by the NAMGBR executive from the input from coordinators, registrars, and members.

Don Hayter Award for Most Original MG

This award is for a NAMGBR supported model of MG car that has been kept or restored to its original state, as it left, or could have left, the factory as much as possible. Named after the last chief engineer of the MG Car Company, Don was instrumental in the design of our beloved MGB.

Brian Woodhams Pride of Ownership Award

This award is for a car that is clearly loved. It may be highly modified, driven great distances, or showing a lot of wear, but there is no doubt there is a strong sense of pride for the owner. Named after a massive MG enthusiast, Brian Woodhams who was very involved with the the MG Car Club in many capacities over the years, but most recently as the MG Car Club’s overseas manager for North America (amongst others). Brian had a collection of 4 MGs, including a most beloved MGB GT and his enthusiasm could only be described as “Pride of Ownership”.

Spirit of Abingdon Award

This award is for the MG and owner that demonstrates the Spirit of Abingdon at its best. Abingdon, in the United Kingdom, is generally recognized as the spiritual home of the MG Car Company and is indeed the home of the MG Car Club located at Kimber House, just outside the original factory gates. The Spirit of Abingdon is from the workers, and enthusiasts worldwide and is perhaps why MG is known as “The Marque of Friendship”.

Good Samaritan

The Good Samaritan Award is given at the Annual General Meeting in October to the person who best exemplifies the MG spirit by lending a hand without regard to reward.

This award is a plaque, and the plaque says the following: “Good Samaritan of the Year presented to (name of recipient), month, day and year, and place given”, and a one year membership to North American MGB Register.

The award recipient is chosen by the NAMGBR executive from the input from coordinators, registrars, and members.

Special Recognition

Special Recognition Awards are given at the Annual General Meeting in October at the discretion of the NAMGBR executive.

NAMGBR Awards Summary & Recipients

See the document below for a year by year summary of the awards presented and the recipients.